Michelangelo Galliani

Born on 10 October 1975 in Montecchio Emilia, Reggio Emilia, Michelangelo Galliani still lives and works there. He began to work as a sculptor at an early age. The artist attended, initially, the Paolo Toschi Art Institute in Parma and, later, the Institute of Palazzo Spinelli in Florence, finally earning a degree in Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara. Galliani, in addition to his activity as a sculptor, is Professor inMarble and Semi-Precious Stones Techniques at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino.

Galliani tenaciously challenges the stone and its hardness by carving it manually and methodically with surgical instruments. This unusual technique represents an important milestone in the development of his conceptual work and the creation of an original and refined style. Galliani focuses on expressions, twisting bodies, soft features and divine elegance, combining different traditions and technical accuracy: the result is a fascinating production where the works of art represent a varied interpretation, irrational and aesthetically appealing of classical sculpture.


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