In Giulio Dall’Olio’s (*1983 in Bologna, Italy) paintings the viewer is being brought onto a voyage through visionary, mystical landscapes, places, where nature has won it’s battle against die destruction through the hands of modern mankind.
The stillness and peace of this futuristic noblesse carries a subtle tension, that becomes apparent if one looks at the little cuts, the hurting, of the surface.
The genre of landscape paintings, that is a general symbol for the reassurance and calming of the stormy romantic soul, is newly interpreted in an unconventional way by the young artist.
Everything in Dall’Olio’s works is still, almost motionless. In a highly technically-adept manner the artist creates a system that is made up of perfect balance through a mixture of hyper-realistic and expressive style of painting, that demands an extensive ability for contemplation from the viewer.
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