They’re aiming up high, towards the sun. Like a struggle for survival one skyscraper is trying to surpass another one in size and architectural extravagance.

A city is no longer just a city – it is either allowed to call itself a metropolis, or in the worst case, it has to call itself a provincial city. No matter which title the city ends up with, what is clear is that a city never ever stands still.

Angelika Tóths skylines describe forests made of tall buildings that come into sight as anything but dull. The bustle of the city mirrors itself in the dynamic of the ever-changing architecture of the city. Through her impressionistic brush stroke the Hungarian artist gathers the pulsating sense of life in a populated residential property in a masterful way and makes it possible to see a clear image of a city, that was once built by human activity blur in front of our eyes.
On the other side we see the blurred views of city parks created by the Kelheim-based artist Klaus Schiffermüller. Like a jungle, his images are almost indecipherable for the viewer’s sights. His depiction of the light makes the wind blow through the leaves and full blossoms glow up in the sun. Despite his active and vivid style of painting, Schiffermüller’s works exude a calmness that relieves us of the stress that was built up during the past couple of hours: the viewer considers himself save in the relaxing nature. Provided with filigreed titles, Schiffermüller’s paintings carries the viewer into a whole other world and guides his/her view away from the streets and towards greenery.

Both artists form such a fantastic symbiosis through their atmospheric works, so that the viewer finds himself imaginatively transferred into foreign surroundings that never stand still and that makes us brave new adventures and gain new experiences on a daily basis: an urban jungle (“Großstadtdschungel”).

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