The artist Katharina Grosse (* 1961) is currently causing a sensation with her expansive paintings in the historical hall and the outside area of the Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Berlin. The exhibition “Katharina Grosse. It wasn’t us ” can still be seen there until January 2021. Katharina Grosse describes her painting as “open, fluid thinking”. Strictly speaking, she does not paint, she sprays. In our exhibition “Sprayed” we show prints by this exceptional artist from the Cockeypane (2011) and Fo´Faux Rocks (2007) series.

In addition, works by Liverpool artist ASHWAN (* 1971), who describes his work as a visual Tao of the boom-bap sound. For his works, he often uses discarded cardboard boxes and transforms them into mixed media works of art that are spray-painted, worked with oxidized copper and rusted and processed in a final step with synthetic resin. His works move fluently between two and three dimensions and conjure up images of a multicultural and often decayed urbanity, such as the destroyed Berlin Wall or the untouched sprayed parts of the Bronx from the 1970s.
Like ASHWAN, the Regensburg artist Nico Sawatzki (* 1984) also comes from street art and still works almost exclusively with spray paint. His multi-layered structures with simultaneous deconstruction of layers of color creates difficult, imaginary spatial constructions that create an enormous depth effect through compression and dissolution on different image levels. Among other, he shows a large-scale work that was created especially for the exhibition.

The exhibition aims to show the diversity of the three artists, each of whom was born in a different decade. Just the medium with which they create their work creates a connection: spray paint.

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