Dr. Isabelle Lesmeister
Untere Bachgasse 7
93047 Regensburg
phone +49 941 57856
mobile +49 163 698 86 82
mail info@galerie-lesmeister.de
Tuesday through Friday: 11 am – 1 pm
2 pm – 6 pm
Saturday: 11 am – 4 pm
and by appointment
Dr. Isabelle Lesmeister
Untere Bachgasse 7
93047 Regensburg
+49 941 57856
+49 163 698 86 82
Tuesday through Friday:
11 am – 1 pm & 2 pm – 6 pm
11 am – 4 pm
and by appointment.
Please note that Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister is currently not accepting any new applications from artists. We kindly ask artists to refrain from sending material via email or by mail. Unsolicited material received will not be answered and cannot be returned due to reasons of time and cost.
GALERIE ISABELLE LESMEISTER was founded at the end of 2010 by art historian Dr. Isabelle Lesmeister as a gallery for contemporary art. The gallery places particular emphasis on promoting young international artists. With joint exhibitions, the gallery aims to promote critical dialogue among artists, their mutual inspiration and collaboration, as well as a dialogue with visitors.
Central to the gallery’s program is the interest in regional differences and the individuality of each artist while promoting cosmopolitanism. Thus, the gallery collaborates with regional, national, and international artists from places such as the United States, Cuba, Australia, Korea, and Italy. We firmly believe that art expands people’s worldview, self-understanding and scope of action, and thus have the power to change the world. Therefore, the gallery’s program is based on conceptual art as well as art that breaks with the viewer’s habitual ways of seeing and illuminates entirely new aspects of seeing and perception.
In 2020, Dr. Isabelle Lesmeister took over another gallery in Regensburg, the „Kunstkabinett“, which had already been established over 40 years ago and believed very early in the work of today’s well-known artists such as Günther Uecker, A.R. Penck and Otto Piene.
With the takeover of the gallery and its stock, the gallery program now expanded to include mainly graphic works by established artists shown in dialogue with young and emerging contemporary artists.


Dr. Isabelle Lesmeister
Gallery Owner
Dr. Isabelle Lesmeister studied art history, Italian and English studies in Regensburg and Florence and received her doctorate in art history in 2015. She opened her gallery for contemporary art in Regensburg in 2010. Through her many years of experience with over 80 exhibition projects in the gallery and in cooperation with other galleries and locations, Dr. Lesmeister has expertise in the areas of exhibition planning and design, artist support and marketing on the German and international art market and has a trained eye for the selection of outstanding contemporary and emerging artists.

Ramona Pfaffinger
Gallery Director
Ramona Pfaffinger studied art history, as well as cultural studies, media studies and political science at the University of Regensburg and Freie Universität Berlin. She attended programs at Pine Manor College and Harvard University. Her focus lies in modern and contemporary art. Ramona Pfaffinger joined Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister in 2022 as the gallery’s director.

Layla & Merlin
Senior & Junior Gallery Dogs
Layla has been chief gallery dog for over 10 years and holds expertise in entertaining visitors with her tricks and overall laid back attitude.
Merlin joined the gallery two years ago as a junior gallery dog and has since worked on his skills to manage his general excitement for everybody coming in.
They support the team in all matters.
We regularly offer part-time internships for students of art history or similar studies. The internship offers in-depth insights into the multifaceted work of the gallery over a period of three months.
Please send your application (PDF preferred) via email to info@galerie-lesmeister.de.