Anna Nemes paints people transparently as if they had no weight, but they do not lose their true nature by doing so – they are what they are: fallible human beings. She paints very personal pictures, her friends, her family and herself. By the one hand sensual, on the other hand suffering representation of her characters, the artist manages to create a certain familiarity between the viewer and the person portrayed. Nevertheless, mysterious secrets seem to surround the characters, leaving the viewer room for reflection and interpretation.
born in Budapest, Hungary
Academy of Fine Arts (MKE), Budapest, Hungary
Universitát Politécnica de Valencia, Erasmus Sholarship, Valencia, Spain
lives and works in Budapest, Hungary
Nail Biting @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Regensburg, Germany
Węgierski Instytut Kultury – Varsói Magyar Kulturális Intézet, Warsaw, Poland
Sie sind, Balassi Institut, Kulturinstitut der Republik Ungarn, Stuttgart, Germany
Anna Nemes, Apteka Sztúki Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
They Are, Várfok Galéria & Várfok Project Room, Budapest, Hungary
Sheets, Várfok Project Room, Budapest, Hungary
Photography (The Retoucher), Trapéz Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
animal love, Defo Labor, Budapest, Hungary
Blitz Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
Beauty of the Beast, Lesmeister Projects, Kulturraum Vor der Grieb, Regensburg, Germany
Art Karlsruhe, Várfok Gáleria, Karlsruhe, Germany
Art Toronto @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Toronto, Canada
Art Karlsruhe, Várfok Gáleria, Karlsruhe, Germany
Black, Várfok Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
Body, Spirit, Revolt, Gama Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
Art Karlsruhe, Várfok Gáleria, Budapest, Hungary
Living Hungarian Painting, Új Budapest Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
Külcsíny, Belcsíny, Hybridart, Budapest, Hungary
Consul’art, Maison de l’artisanat et des métiers d’art, Marseille, France
Art Market, Várfok Gáleria, Budapest, Hungary
Living Hungarian Painting. The Day of Hungarian Painting, Szent Adalbert Központ, Esztergom, Hungary
Polish(ed) Hungarian, Galeria Apteka Sztuki, Warsaw, Poland
Air, Partizán Galéria, PP Center, Budapest, Hungary
Terítve 2., Latarka, Budapest, Hungary
Meanwhile, Partizán Galéria, PP Center, Budapest, Hungary
Salon, Partizán Galéria, PP Center, Budapest, Hungary
Comfort. Female Bodypolitics, Ferencváros Cellar Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Gender Brush III., Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Canvas of Veronica, Godot Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
The Idol Is Falling Down, PP Center, Budapest, Hungary
Gender Brush II., Gallery of Paks, Paks, Hungary
Compost, Super 8, Budapest, Hungary
Gender Brush I., Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Trabajos, Casa de la Cultura, Valencia, Spain