Kelvin López

Kelvin López utilizes landscape as his means of expression, however his advances of the theme are varying. He approaches the same idea form different angles using a diversity of artistic styles and therefore creating differing series. In “Tormentas” he assimilates the impacts of hurricanes on Cuba, whereas the series “Achievements” deals with the early days of the revolution in Havana in the 1960s via stamped paraphrases and slogans.

Professor at Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA), Havana, Cuba


Diploma at Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA), Havana, Cuba


born in Las Tunas, Cuba

lives and works in Havana, Cuba

Solo Exhibitions


Nice to meet you, Contemporary center of visual arts, Havana, Cuba


Mi casa es tu casa, Servando Gallery, Havana, Cuba


Anestesia Local, Galiano Gallery, Havana, Cuba

Pasarela, La Acacia Gallery, Havana, Cuba


Save As…, Michael Connor’s Gallery, Manhattan, United States of America

Terapia Floral, Meliá Cohíba Hotel’s Gallery, Havana, Cuba

Save As…, Havana Club Museum’s Gallery , Havana, Cuba

The Spring Collection, Spence Gallery, Toronto, Canada


Virus Tropical, Eye Lounge Gallery, Downtown Phoenix, United States of America

Fantasmas Zodiacales, Eye Lounge Gallery, Downtown Phoenix, United States of America


Con los pies en el cielo, Howard Johnson Hotel, Las Vegas, United States of America


Fantasmas, Visual Arts’ Development Centre, Havana, Cuba


Mustafá (bi-personal), Habana Gallery, Havana, Cuba

Espacios Exteriores, Romerías de Mayo, Martí Display Room, Holguín, Cuba


Esquema 1/1 de Maquinarias y sus Componentes, Catálogo Gallery (UNEAC), Havana, Cuba


Sentimiento y Convención se Fueron al Campo Juntos, Provincial Centre of Arts, Holguín, Cuba


¿Quién se Atrevió a Mirar el Paisaje Cubano?, Electa Arenal Display Room, Holguín, Cuba

Group Exhibitions


Paper Positions Munich @ Galeria Isabelle Lesmeister, Munich, Germany

Art Karlsruhe @ Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Karlsruhe, Germany


Over the horizon, Saint Joseph’s university, Philadelphia, United States of America

Cuban forever revisited, Pizzuti collection, Columbus, United States of America

Kuba Libre, Kunsthalle Museum, Rostock, Germany

La madre de todas las artes, Wilfredo lam contemporary art center, La Habana, Cuba


Engraving of Cuba Today, Rider University, United States of America


Pensando el Paisaje, Museum Oswaldo Wayasamin, La Habana, Cuba


Eslabon Asia – Malasia II, Yayasan Seni Gallery, Ciudad Kuala Lumpur, Malasia

El Arsenal, Sala de exposiciones de Puerta de Toledo, Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Spain


Terry Fox, Humanitary Auction 2010, Canada Embassy, La Habana, Cuba

Reflexions of Cuba, City Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malasia

Signpost of Havana, Gallery ZIPP, Phoenix, United States of America

Amo esta isla, Galería Pièce Unique, Beyrouth, Libano


Illusions de paysages, Pièce Unique Gallery, Beyrouth, Libano

La Habana Nostalgia, Altima International, Miami, United States of America

Arte de Cuba, Museum of Art, Long Beach, United States of America

Art Americas, Fair of Latin American Art, Conventions’ Center of Miami, United States of America

You all Smash, the Hotel’s Gallery, Melia Cohiba, Collateral Guaranty to the Biennial X of Havana, Havana, Cuba


Cuban Visions, National Qatar’s Theater, Week of Culture Cuban, Doha, Qatar

Everyone with his landscape, Galería the Acacia, Havana, Cuba


Auction MOLAA 2007, Latin -American Art Museum, Los Angeles, United States of America

Catalogo Acacia, La Acacia Gallery, Havana, Cuba

Cuba: Naturaleza y Paisaje, Villena Display Room, UNEAC, Havana, Cuba

Cubanías, Famagusta’s Door, Municipal Centre of Culture, Nicosia, Cyprus

IX Internacional Bienal of Cuenca, Cuenca City, Ecuador

Carnaval do Río – OBA, ASU ART MUSEUM, Phoenix, United States of America


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