The title AXIOME is derived from Newton’s axioms, the structure of space and time. Especially the attention on space can be seen as the connecting element for the works of Jenny Forster (*1979 in Landshut) and Heremy Holmes (*1984 in Cooperstown, USA).
The German artist, who got her painting diploma at the Akademie der Bildenen Künste in Munich at the beginning of this year, creats image spaces. Layers, cross-overs, over-ups, washed-out parts, removal and especially reflections shape space that are reminiscent of landscapes, who can’t be precisely located after all. The shapes in her imagery are structured by experiences, memories, feelings and dreams. This way, the beholder associates the images with mountains and glaciers. Other see crystals, fields or streams of energy and micro or macro cosmoses.
The New York based artist Jeremy Holmes got his sculptor’s diploma with honors from the State University of New York at New Paltz in 2017. His abstract wood sculptures are “three dimensional lines in space”. Holmes transforms stiff wood in playful and harmonic shapes and compositions through the help of classical techniques of wood working. Comparable to the working prograss of the brothers Thonet Holmes uses water to make the wood bendable, creating abstract shapes that fill entire rooms and alter their spatial dynamics.
Kept in smaller dimensions, Holmes creates wonderful sculptures, what bring forward the materiality of the wood on one side and challenge our visual habits on the other side, since the otherwise stiff and brittle wood appears light and effortless after being transformed by the artist.
On view: March 3 – Mai 19, 2012
Opening night: March 2, 2012