Birgit Nadrau

Birgit Nadrau makes impressive canvases by transforming them into the surfaces of water or other nature-based motifs through the use of acrylic paint and aluminum leafs which she fixes on the canvas in an extremely complicated and long lasting technique.
She‘s recreating the exact moment of experiencing a certain view into nature. The painting materials she‘s using are as much unorthodox as they are perfectly placed: everyone of her paintings is drawing the beholder into a melancholic mesmerization through its own shining yet still grisaille optics.
Depending on the incidence of light, the sheet aluminum shines more or less and the translucent primer in acrylic colors gains more or less plasticity. Thus, especially with the pictures with the branches, the impression arises that the viewer looks through a window into the nature.


born in Erlangen, Germany

1991 – 1997

Studies communications design at FH Nuremberg, Germany

2003 – 2009

Studies of Painting at the Academy of Nuremberg, Germany

2007 – 2008

Studies of Painting at Academy of Krakau, Poland


Diploma of Academy in Nuremberg, Germany

lives and works between Nuremberg and Leipzig, Germany

Solo Exhibitions (selection)


Glitter & Doom, Schwabach Municipal Gallery, Germany


thanks for the memory, Galerie Voigt, Nuremberg, Germany


Malerei und Zeichnung, Spinnerei Archiv Massiv, Leipzig, Germany

Group Exhibitions (selection)

2022 – 2023

STILLE, Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Regensburg, Germany


Art Karlsruhe @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Karlsruhe, Germany


Alles Anders @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Regensburg, Germany

Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Regensburg, Germany

Winterrundgang der Spinnerei Leipzig, Germany


Art Toronto @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Regensburg, Germany

Exhibition for the NN artist prize, Kunsthaus Nuremberg, Germany

Meister*innen des kleinen Formats, Galerie Bernsteinzimmer, Nuremberg, Germany


Nach dem Bild ist vor dem Bild, 75 female painters from Leipzig, Kunstverein Freunde aktueller Kunst e.V., Zwickau, Germany

Die zweite Dekade, 20 Jahre Galerie Bernsteinzimmer, Nuremberg, Germany


Im Zeichen des Hahns, Stadtmuseum Schwabach, Germany

10 im Zeichen des Hans, Kunst Galerie Fürth, Fürth, Germany


Rausch, Kulturpalast Anwanden, near Fürth, Germany

Offenes Verdeck, Borgo Ensemble, Nuremberg, Germany


Art Karlsruhe @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Karlsruhe, Germany

Werkschau Auf AEG, Nuremberg, Germany


Schönheit und Verzweiflung @ A. Theke, Fürth, Germany

BLOOOM Art Fair Cologne @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Cologne, Germany


Der Geruch von Regen @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Regensburg, Germany


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