Mathias Hornung

The artist Mathias Hornung was born in 1969 and first worked as an artist, before diving into the live of a full time artist. His works are based on rectangular grids that are either printed on paper or three dimensionally on wood. Topography as well as time and space play a big role in his works, but the ultimate idea behind his works is the imminent “fall out” from the perfect, even and regular grid of life.


born in Tübingen, Germany

1985 – 1988

industrial mechanic training

1988 – 1993

free studies in set and costume design at Staatliche Akademie der bildenden Kuenste, Campus Weissenhof, Stuttgart, Germany

lives and works in Berlin, Germany

Solo exhibitions (selection)


Blue Codes, @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Regensburg, Germany


Intersection, FeldbuschWiesnerRudolph, Berlin, Germany

Zselection, galerie zs art, Vienna, Austria

Defragmentology, Anna Laudel, Düsseldorf, Germany

Small Pieces, galerie zs art, Vienna, Austria


Crypto Codes @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Regensburg, Germany


Showroom Thielbeer for Gallery Weekend, Berlin, Germany

Das Labor, Berlin Neukölln, Germany


Mathias Hornung, Galerie Maas, Reutlingen, Germany

bpm, Galerie Maas, Reutlingen, Germany

Mathias Hornung, Beukenhof-Phoenix Galerie, Kluisbegen, Belgium

Group exhibitions (selection)


Art Karlsruhe, Imke Valentien Gallery, Karlsruhe, Germany

Art Karlsruhe, Anna Laudel Gallery, Karlsruhe, Germany

Art Karlsruhe @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Karlsruhe, Germany


LOOPS & LINES @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Regensburg, Germany

POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Berlin, Germany


Art Toronto @Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Canada

Prinzip Landschaft, ZS art Galerie, Vienna, Austria

checkmate, BcmA (Berlin con mucho Arte), Berlin, Germany

incognito, Hofgrün Galerie, Berlin, Germany

foreign interferenz, pop up at Corbeau House, Kapstadt, South Africa


Paradies, Hofgrün Galerie, Berlin Kreuzberg, Germany

Beukenhof & Phoenix Gallery, Kluisbergen, Belgium

Das Werk als Raum im Raum, ZS art Galerie, Vienna, Austria


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